

Meet the Pastor

Kids' Corner

Youth-Young Adult Hangout


BCUCC Pictures


Steeple News



Our Purpose

To joyfully experience God’s presence,

To faithfully live out the Good News of Christ,

To be ever-attentive to the inspiration of the Spirit. 

Our Covenant

  Since God is still speaking and we're still listening, we will:

Listen to honest questions & doubts as well as hopes & faith testimonies, encourage life-long learning and

 intergenerational mentoring.


Since we hear God’s call to be earth-friendly,

justice-seeking peacemakers, we seek to:

 Be at one with God, others, our own best selves…

Live as one in Community, Simplicity & Non-violence.


Since we strive to be an encompassing church

whose compass is Jesus’ life & teachings, we will: 

Affirm each person’s unique, God-given strengths.

Celebrate diversity in religious background, sexual orientation,

race, age & ability.


Respecting our United Church of Christ heritage, we say: 

“In essentials, unity, in non-essentials, diversity, in all things charity.”

About Broadview Community United Church of Christ (BCUCC):

To take the BROAD VIEW means to be: broad-minded and big-hearted; justice-seeking, peace-loving, and earth-friendly; welcoming of children and youth; and celebrative of our diversity in religious background, sexual orientation, race, age, and abilities. 

We are an encompassing church whose "compass" is Jesus' life and teachings.    

Together, simply, peacefully we promote reconciliation with God, others, our own best selves.

BCUCC is a progressive Christian faith community extending an "extravagant welcome" out in the wider community. As a congregation proudly affiliated with the United Church of Christ, we believe in staying true to a covenant of unity and loving respect amid diversity. We encourage each person to express one's beliefs freely (giving varied 'testimonies', but requiring no 'test' to prove one's faith; each acting in accord with one's own best perception of God's will).

We are still growing spiritually, still listening to God, not stuck in one place. One of our bright outside banners quotes Gracie Allen: "Never place a period where God has placed a comma. GOD IS STILL SPEAKING!" Another announces that we are "a community of seekers turning hate into love and fear into trust. JOIN US!" 

Our congregation is proud to affirm and to fully welcome GLBTQ families and individuals into the life of our faith community. In fact:

                                 Out is "In" at the UCC:

We welcome OUT pastors in the pulpit,
and are OUTspoken about equal marriage rights,
and we are OUT of patience with intolerance,
and are OUT seeking social justice.

Broadview UCC Connect! Blog:
Broadview UCC Connect! - At BCUCC, we love pondering the questions of life and faith together! But...is making it up in time for the Sunday 8:45AM discussion group too tough? ...are you at work when the Thursday 2PM study group meets? Then...contribute to the discussion here! Join the conversation! Broadview UCC Connect! Unite! Discuss! An interactive blog based at Broadview Church for staying in touch with one another.


Want to make a pledge?  Please click here for our 2015 Pledge Form


Like what you see...and hear? Donate securely through PayPal:

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We make space available in our building for non-profit groups' special and regular meetings, community and special events.
Parking is plentiful; we enjoy a convenient location & access.
Contact office manager Bobbi Dykema.

  Her office hours : Mon, Thurs, Fri, 8:00am - 10:00am;

Tues, Wed 8:00am - 12:00pm


We currently have several well-wired, spacious, lockable rooms suitable for use as offices.

Use of our energy efficient building is shared with several other non-profit community groups including, the Pacific Northwest Conference of the UCC, Christian Church of Faith, Hope and Love (immigrant Ethiopian and Congolese communities of faith) and the Church of the Living God (Ethiopian). We already host a Monday evening AA Group, a Tuesday Improv Theater Group, a Wednesday evening chorale, and a Thursday Evening AA Group. See the Activities Page for times.