

Meet the Pastor

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  Events and Activities

Sunday Morning Information

Upcoming Events
Weekly Events at Broadview
Monthly Meetings/Clubs at Broadview
Building Usage & Space Rental




Sunday Morning Information:


August 21, 2016: Fourteenth Sunday after Pentecost

Pastor Gary preaching.

Sermon title: "The Sabbath Heals"





NURSERY CARE provided as needed, during worship hour.
SUNDAY CLUB option for children also during worship hour.


Check out our Blog: Broadview UCC Connect!

Broadview UCC Connect! - At BCUCC, we love pondering the questions of life and faith together! But...is making it up in time for the Sunday 8:45AM discussion group too tough? ...are you at work when the Tuesday 2PM study group meets? Then...contribute to the discussion here! Join the conversation! Broadview UCC Connect! Unite! Discuss! An interactive blog based at Broadview Church for staying in touch with one another.

Our 2 pm Tuesday Bible Study meets at the church in the south study room. 


Sunday 8:45 AM: Adult Spirituality Group meets at 8:45 in the Fellowship Hall.


 * The BCUCC 8:45 AM Sunday discussion meets in Fellowship Hall (downstairs) and is led by Rose Bailey, with frequent assistance from Pastor Jan, and others.  Day Murti oversees a Broadview blog that keeps us up on the discussion online.


Come, join us!


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Regular Weekly Calendar
 8:00 pm Boiled Owls (AA), Fellowship Hall


Wednesday 7:00 pm Treehouse Meditation (AA), Sunday Club Room (2nd Floor)

                  7:00 pm Five Willows T'ai Chi, Fellowship Hall


Thursday 2:00 pm Thursday Bible Study.
8:00 pm Check’n In (AA), Fellowship Hall



Monday thru Saturday from 11:45 am - 1:45 pm, Hope Fiends (NA Group) meet in our Fellowship Hall.


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Regular Monthly Meetings/Clubs
Second Sunday 11:30 am (or after coffee hour) Church Council Meeting, Fellowship Hall

First Thursday of every month:  UCC Clergy Connect, at noon in the sanctuary

    This is an informal gathering of UCC clergy for mutual support and conversation.

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